četrtek, 28. junij 2007

Formula bogastva in spiritualne prosperitete

Formula bogastva in spiritualne prosperitete je tehnika, s katero odstranimo "siromašno zavest" in ustvarimo "prosperitetno zavest".
V tej tehniki se sicer uporablja splet med seboj povezanih različnih tehnik, toda je ta tako sestavljena, da se jo definira kot tehnika za sebe.
Recimo, za odstranjevanje vseh problematičnih vsebin se uporablja PEAT (ki je predstavljen dva posta nižje) in maksi PEAT (je kombinacija enostavnosti in uporabnosti osnovne PEAT tehnike).
Formula bogastva je prav tako najučinkovitejša, če se jo dela redno in dosledno (kot tudi vse ostalo v življenju). Toda tale nam nudi pravi uspeh šele, če se držimo 3 mesečnega vsakodnevnega programa.
Do sedaj je uspeh te formule 100%.
Ne poznam nikogar, ki bi formulo redno, resno in pravilno izvajal in se mu nebi dohodek povečal za vsaj 30%.
So primeri (kot jaz), ki se jim dohodek poveča za več kot 100% (meni se je za zavidljivih 300%).
Tehnika je preizkušena, testirana in nadaljnih testov ne potrebuje. Dejstvo je, da deluje!
Po mojem mnenju je to tehnika, ki bi jo morali, na vsakem zavodu za zaposlovanje in vsakih agencija za delo, izvajati, da bi se dosegel večji nivo slovenskega poslovnega uspeha.
Jaz sem vsekakor pripravljena da bi te delavnice oz. seminarje izvajala ;)

sreda, 20. junij 2007

Brainstorming = Možganska nevihta

ali Možganska burja, vihar....vsak je pač mal po svoje prevedel, bistvo pa je isto.

Koliko sploh poznamo svoje možgane? Koliko in česa so sposobni?
Po mojem osebnem mnenju, je prvinsko, da človek razume in spozna svoj obstoj, sebe in svoje telo.
Tako Brainstorming spada med mnoge tehnike, ki pomagajo deseči en del tega spoznanja.
Jaz sem bila zelo presenečena, ko sem s to tehniko "spoznala" svoje možgane, misli, ideje,...
Stvari, ki čepijo nekje v ozadju zavesti, je težko priklicat na plano z navadnim tuhtanjem, razmišljanjem, z vsakdanjikom. Brainstorming je tehnika, ki razbije to "omejitev". Če se preprosto izrazim, ta tehnika potegne ideje in misli iz globine in jo postavi v vso svojo veličino - širino.
Nad idejami in mislimi, ki so se mi pojavile s to tehniko, sem bila zelo presenečena, tako v pozitivnem smislu, kot tudi v negativnem smislu.
Recimo sem delala Brainstorming na Kako v tem mesecu zaslužiti dodatnih 1000eurov. Moje ideje, ki so vrele na plano so bile smešne, grozne, nezakonite, nerelane, jih ni bilo,... in med vsemi temi "neuporabnimi" se je rodila, pojavila ena, ki pa me je zelo presenetila. Vem, da je moja , ker je nekoč bila živa v meni, toda je nekako odplavala v pozabo. Prepričana sem, da se je s tuhtanjem in premišljevanjem ne bi spomnila.
V naših glavah se skrivajo ideje, za katere bi včasih plačali, da bi nam jih drugi predali na pladnju.
Če se kdaj sprašujete, kako to, da imajo drugi vedno dobre ideje ali pa so vedno hitrejši od vas, je lahko odgovor ravno tukaj
Nekaterim je sicer naravno dano, spet drugim, pa je dana ta tehnika, s katero lahko natrenirajo svoje možgane.
Naj bo Brainstorming fitnes naprava za vaše možgane.

Primite možgane v svoje roke ;)

torek, 19. junij 2007


vir: Brainstorming

Brainstorming is a group creativity technique designed to generate a large number of ideas for the solution to a problem. The method was first popularized by Alex Faickney Osborn in the late 1930s, an advertising executive and one of the founders of BBDO, in a book called Applied Imagination." Osborn proposed that groups could double their creative output by using the method of brainstorming.
Although brainstorming has become a popular group technique, researchers have generally failed to find evidence of its effectiveness for enhancing either quantity or quality of ideas generated. Because of such problems as distraction, social loafing, evaluation apprehension, and production blocking, brainstorming groups are little more effective than other types of groups, and they are actually less effective than individuals working independently. For this reason, there have been numerous attempts to improve brainstorming or replace it with more effective variations of the basic technique.
Although traditional brainstorming may not increase the productivity of groups, it has other potential benefits, such as enhancing the enjoyment of group work and improving morale. It may also serve as a useful exercise for team building.

petek, 15. junij 2007


PEAT sem spoznala pred približno enim letom.
(Čeprav je moja takratna izkušnja prepletena še z mnogo drugimi, se bo v tem postu osredotočila le na mojo izkušnjo s PEATom.)
Od Robija sem prejela mail, v katerem nas je vabil na brezplačno delavnico formule bogastva. (Seveda sem ena od mnogih, ki se jim očke kar zasvetijo, ko preberejo besedo brezplačno ;)
Čeprav nisem imela pojma v kaj se spuščam, sem se odpravila na delavnico.
(Tukaj je bil eden od mojih ključnih momentov v mojem življenju. Toda pustimo to za druge poste ;)
Preden se lahko pravilno lotiš formule bogastva, se je potrebno naučit PEAT tehnike. Tako smo prvi del delavnice namenili PEATu.
Robi nas najprej posede v krog.
Ok, si mislim, to ima dober učinek enotnosti in enakovredne pripadnosti skupini.
Začne nam nekaj razlagat in kazat, se s prsti dotikat določenih točk,... Mal si zapišemo, mal nam pokaže na prostovoljcu, in nam da nalogo, da se "poparčkamo".
Sicer v meni je bilo nekaj dvoma, toda bila sem brez pričakovanja in zato tudi manj kritična in sem le sledila navodilom. Pa da vidimo, kam to pelje, sem si rekla.
Za čiščenje stanj, osnovnih alf prosperitetne zavesti in še česa je PEAT the thing!
Nekako sem se prepustila tej tehniki, brez, da bi vedela kaj delam, kaj lahko pričakujem in kakšen bo učinek.
In? Seveda stvar deluje!
Z enostavnimi dotiki po obrazu in prsnem predelu ter enostavnim in zelo učinkovitim stavkom lahko rešiš/olajšaš stanja, katera so nezaželejna v svobodnem, srečnem, nasploh željemem življenju oz. načinu življenja.
Do takrat se nisem zavedala, kako sem globoko v sebi trpela, ker se nisem znala ali morda nisem hotela imeti rada, da si nisem znala ali hotela privoščiti same najboljše stvari,...
Na alfi Jaz si zaslužim vse najboljše. sem doživela največji učinek.
Torej, ko sem izrekla željeno alfo in s PEATom čistila odzive, sem počasi prišla do "jedra". Začelo je liti, popadel me je neskončen, nekontroliran jok, zvila sem se v fetus položaj. Pomirila sem se šele čez 20min. Ko je bilo "napada" konec, sem še enkrat ponovila alfo. Odzivi so bili drugačni in ko sem jih s PEATom očistila, sem dobesedno svet videla drugače. Takrat je bil trenutek, ko sem prvič v mojem zavednem življenju čutila, da si zaslužim vse najboljše. Občutek je tako osvobujajoč in lahkoten, da te z lahkoto zasvoji ;)
Začela sem se prebujat in s to tehniko sem z vsako uporabo bila bljižje sebi. Glede na sam učinek, občutek, stanje in še marsikaj kar daje PEAT, mi je samo žal, da nisem dosledna v redni, vsakodnevni (tudi večkrat dnevni) uporabi.

četrtek, 14. junij 2007


Primordial Energy Activation and Transcendence

Deep PEAT Processor Training Workshop

Solving the fundamental problems in your life

The Dualistic Dilemma
There are two fundamental possibilities for us as conscious human beings: dualistic and unified consciousness. Most human beings live predominantly on the dualistic plane, in which they see, perceive, and experience everything in opposites. It is always either/or, good or bad, destroying or creating, advancing or retreating, freedom or slavery, love or freedom, life or death, I or you… endlessly…

Connected with this dualistic consciousness is this strange fact: all of us have one single most fundamental problem in life. Mystic masters say that if we do not resolve this fundamental problem in this lifetime we will have to return to work further on it in future lifetimes. Now, using the PEAT process, it is possible to solve that problem across all your lifetimes.

In 1999, Zivorad Slavinski created Primordial Energy Activation and Transcendence (PEAT) from roots in various systems of Energy Psychology. Shortly after its creation, he made an essential creative breakthrough which allows you to transcend dualistic consciousness and to effectively solve hard-core problems – most importantly, your core, fundamental life problem. His presentations of PEAT were very well received at the Toronto Energy Psychology Conference in November 2000 and at the European Energy Psychology Conference in Switzerland in July 2001.

At its basic level, which is called Shallow Processing, PEAT is similar to other energy psychology systems, involving the acupressure and the heart chakra systems.

In PEAT Deep Processing you start with a problem and you uncover deeper and quite different contents in the chain of links leading to the deepest cause of the problem you started with. Each session lasts from 15 minutes to two hours (on average 40 minutes). When you reach the deepest cause, the problem vanishes for good.

Breaking free of the see-saw
Most importantly, in one to three sessions of PEAT Deep Processing, you are able to uncover, make conscious and Neutralize your Primordial Polarities ("Primes" for short). Neutralization of your Primes solves your most fundamental problem forever. You can’t avoid this resolution, even if you wanted to. This process liberates each human being from the deadly grasp of the fundamental forces of duality. At the moment when you discover your own Primes (Primordial Polarities) there is a Neutralization of opposites. You see one Primordial Polarity in another and vice versa. You become ONE. You are one with the Cosmos.

Just before the moment of Neutralization there is often a short period of confusion. You may become a bit dizzy and disoriented. This is natural, of course, because the playground on which the game of life was played vanishes. It is like a sudden vanishing of the walls of the jail you have lived in for all your lifetimes.

The Primes encountered are very simple and basic. Here are some examples:

Good and Bad
Approaching and Retreating
Creating and Destroying
Potential and Actual
I and Not-I
I and Others
Tiny and Endless
Power and Powerlessness
Material and Divine
This World and Other World
What is the value of this neutralization experience? Exaltation doesn't last long, it's true. But your whole life becomes clear to you. You will realize the game of life you used to play in many different variations unconsciously and compulsively. You are set free from your main compulsions. You could still play the same games, but now you can choose other games as well. You have freedom to... and freedom from...

Furthermore, after uncovering and Neutralizing your Primes you become more conscious of new and old problems, but all your problems are solved much more quickly. Their structure often follows your fundamental game of life in endless variations, which you will now be able to perceive.

Until recently, only a small number of people knew about this process. The reason for this is simple. The Neutralization of one’s Primordial Polarities was a secret for many centuries, within systems such as the Tarot, Middle Age alchemy and 19th century occultism. Taoism and Zen clearly appreciated this process. The Kabala is about Neutralization of Opposites. You must Neutralize these Primordial Polarities and bring your own consciousness to the central point encompassing both, to the Middle Pillar. In its essence, alchemy is about Neutralization of polarities – this is the biggest secret of that Spiritual science. Advaita Vedanta, one of the most profound systems of practical philosophy, speaks only about non-duality. "Advaita" means non-dual.

Since the creation of PEAT more than 1000 people have Neutralized their Primes and freed themselves from the most fundamental, unconscious and compulsive problem of their whole life (and many life times before). The changes in their lives have been profound and substantial.

Theoretical explanations for Primordial Polarities are in their early stages of development. Here is Zivorad Slavinski’s current understanding of this process. Shortly after a Spiritual Being enters from Unmanifested universe (Void, Brahma, Sunyata, Tao…) for the first time into this universe of matter, energy, time and space, the Spiritual Being posts two energetic pillars at its entrance – his/her first Yin and Yang. These pillars define the Being’s playground. From that moment onward the Being plays this fundamental game of life between them.

A Being’s Primes are the highest goals a Being wants to attain, again and again. They are a Being’s most powerful attractors. Each Being has a particular set of Primordial Polarities, which might or not be the same as those of others. A principal characteristic of a Being’s fundamental game of life is that it is unconscious and compulsive. Primordial Polarities cause life to see-saw. In endless life situations the Being oscillates unconsciously and compulsively between the Primordial Polarities. They are not fixed values, but are like alternating electric current. For a period of time, one Polarity seems to be the positive goal (a Being strives with all their power to attain it) and another is negative (and the Being does their best to avoid it). But after some time their values swap and each Polarity takes on the opposing role.

Most importantly for Spiritual development and for everyday life as well, you can’t solve your most fundamental problem in life until you attain the Neutralization of your Primordial Polarities. Practicing different spiritual disciplines can enable you to disengage from or de-energize that problem for a short time – truncate it, so to say – but sooner or later it gets reactivated. When you address it with PEAT Deep Processing, you become acutely aware of your earlier life as a series of compulsive and unconscious oscillations from one Primordial Polarity to another. Of course, the Neutralization of Primordial Polarities doesn't solve all your problems, just the most fundamental one. There are many others problems based on dualities, but they will be solved much more easily and quickly with the same Deep PEAT process.

The Neutralization of Primordial Polarities is not the end of our adventures with PEAT. After Neutralization, some of us have opened our awareness into the so-called Great Space (Quantum Vacuum, Tao, Source of All, Void, Sunyata…) or into corridors to parallel universes.

Workshop results
At the end of this workshop, you will be trained in applying both Shallow and Deep PEAT processes to yourself and to others. Participants successfully completing all steps in the course will be awarded with a certificate of PEAT Processor and will be able to apply for listing in the Spiritual Technology Association directory of PEAT Processors.

ponedeljek, 11. junij 2007


In tako se nekje začne.

Ideja se mi roji po glavi že kar lep čas, toda nekako nisem in nisem našla začetka in sedaj je tukaj.

V Ljubljani, v soboto (ja, v Cankarjevem domu ;), sem se odločila, da se bo rodil nov blog. :)

Tale blog bo namenjen vsem tistim, ki jih zanima:
alternativna psihoterapija,
posmrtno življenje,
osebna rast,

Moj namen je, da bodo posti redni (vsaj 1-3 na teden), veliko bo mojega osebnega mnenja (opozorilo v naprej), čeprav se bom trudila stvari predstavit v nevtralnem pogledu. Večino teksta bo v slovenščini, čeprav se bo tu in tam zgodilo, da bo kaj tudi v English. Stran se bo še grfično oz. vizualno spremila.
Seveda pa bodo komentarji in diskusije dobrodošli.

Dobordošli (Welcome)

na (on) OMAZU